The Mutemwa Care Centre

The Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre is home to 34 patients living with mixed illnesses ranging from leprosy, aids to mental and physical disabilities.There are single rooms around the clinic for the most infirm residents, who have around the clock care given by nurses and carers. The more able patients live in surrounding houses with their families and they are able to cook for themselves and be more self sufficient.At Mutemwa the clinic onsite not only deals with the needs of the community living there, but also oversees basic medical needs of the surrounding townships, with over 2000 visitors per year.After John Bradburne was killed in 1979 having been warden for the past ten years, the Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre was handed over to the Catholic Church who then asked the Franciscans Friars to step in and oversee the spiritual welfare of the community living there. As in John’s time, the spiritual nourishment and mental well being was of upmost importance, alongside the medical care and is still the case today.The community at Mutemwa rely solely on generous donations from pilgrim visitors and through the support that JBMS receives from its donors, to ensure that the essential provisions such as food, medical care, clothing are maintained.
Community Projects
Mutemwa Care Centre try to be as self-sufficient as possible and have many projects that employs local people, feeds the community and generates an income.
PIGS – They have several pigs that are use for meat to feed the community. Mutemwa also has a breeding program and sell’s the piglets which provides an income for the community.
CHICKENS – Mutemwa has approximately 62 chickens. Chickens provide meat and eggs and the excess is sold to again generate an income.
CATTLE – The cows that are farmed at Mutemwa are used for meat to feed the patients.
BEES – In honour of John there care centre has many thriving bee hives, providing the community with honey so they can produce jars to sell.
VEGETABLES – Mutemwa maintains a large plot of planted vegetables. The vegetables feed the community and the animals.
How Your Donations Have Helped
This year your donations helped:
- 1500 people were helped at the Mutemwa Care Centre Clinic this year
- Pay for 3 full-time healthcare workers salaries
- Provide onsite accommodation for the seriously ill 34 patients
- Cover fuel costs to pay for getting the end of life patients to the hospital in Harare
A big THANK YOU from us and everyone at Mutemwa
John Bradburne – adventurer into pilgrim
John Bradburne (1921–1979) lived an extraordinary life. He was a reluctant hero of the Second World War, a pilgrim and a hermit, a poet and a musician, a joker and a mystic, and a theologian.
After many years travelling and searching, he found the place that God wanted him to be – living alongside men and women suffering with leprosy in Mutemwa, Zimbabwe, a place he helped transform into a community of peace, joy and love.
Visit the Shop
Please help support The John Bradburne Memorial Society by visiting the shop where you’ll find everything from CD’s of John’s poems, to greetings cards, books and gifts.