Our Objective: To relieve people at Mutemwa, Zimbabwe, who are suffering from illness, through the provision of supplementary food, medicines, medical care, and shelter, with the objective of improving their conditions of life
The John Bradburne Memorial Society
The John Bradburne Memorial Society was founded as a charity in England in 1995 in order to help support Mutemwa Leprosy and Care Centre in Zimbabwe, in memory of John Bradburne’s dedicated life and work there as Warden between 1969 to 1979.
The Society spreads information about Bradburne’s saintly life and his prolific writings, and produces two newsletters annually, summer and winter, to a broad membership within the UK and abroad.
The sale of books , CD’s and cards contribute to the monthly support JBMS sends out for Mutemwa, which includes donations given by kind benefactors and friends, which ensures that JBMS can continue this charitable work.
There is a great need for funds in order to help sustain the community, for basic running expenses, and also for supporting various income generating projects, the profit of which can be put back in to the welfare of the community. Those projects are monitored by the Franciscan Brothers who administer the running of the Centre.
Mutemwa Care Centre
The Mutemwa Care Centre is home to 62 patients with mixed illnesses ranging from leprosy to mental and physical disabilities.
Surrounding the care centre are homes belonging to the families of the patients.
Beatification of John Bradburne
Petition for support for Beatification of John Bradburne.
On 1 July 2019 the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome issued a formal nihil obstat for the cause of beatification of Franciscan missionary John Bradburne to proceed.
To find out more and show your support for John Bradburne’s beatification
His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias

His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie has recently been invited to lead a Royal Visit to Zimbabwe; subject to the travel restrictions of the current COVID-19 Pandemic.
He intends to be an active Royal Patron of the John Bradburne Memorial Society; and thus joins the relatives, friends and supporters of John Randal Bradburne; and the ‘Cause of Sainthood’; with Joy; and with Prayerful Devotion to Almighty God.
John Bradburne – adventurer into pilgrim
John Bradburne (1921–1979) lived an extraordinary life. He was a reluctant hero of the Second World War, a pilgrim and a hermit, a poet and a musician, a joker and a mystic, and a theologian.
After many years travelling and searching, he found the place that God wanted him to be – living alongside men and women suffering with leprosy in Mutemwa, Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe)
Visit the Shop
Please help support The John Bradburne Memorial Society by visiting the shop where you’ll find everything from CD’s of John’s poems, to greetings cards, books and gifts.
Enjoy the many videos that commemorate and celebrate John Bradburne and his work, including the “100 Poems for John’s Centenary”.