The theme for World Day of Prayer this year is :
“ I have heard about your faith” Ephesians 1: 15 – 19.
‘Servant of God’ John Randal Bradburne, is a fine example, in this day and age, of one of God’s ‘Saints in the making’ by his steadfast faith, through prayer and his total devotion to God, the Holy Trinity, and Mary, which he lived out at Mutemwa Leprosy Care Center for the last 10 years of his life.
John lived his life simply, as a true Franciscan, in constant prayer, with compassion towards those who had no one else to care for them. He truly loved this neglected and abandoned community, he saw Christ on them, and he took care of all their needs as best as he could, alongside praying with them, encouraging them towards the light of God.
They came to know God more fully by experiencing John’s own faith that he shared with them, and by the care that he gave them individually, demonstrating kindness and unconditional love for them all. It was not always easy, and times were sometimes challenging and hard, but through his own faith and determination to do God’s will, John persevered and was greatly rewarded by the resident’s reciprocated love for him.